Offering for weeks 3 & 4 of March:
Chaplain and Refugee Support Mobilizer: The other Special Offering this month is for the Chaplain and Refugee Support Mobilizer ministry of Dena Nicolai. Through her work, Dena provides a ministry of presence to people who have arrived in Canada as refugees, and partners with supportive communities in extending practical and relational support to these newcomers. These are just some of the ways Dena has served Willoughby Church and other church communities:
You are invited to donate through the offering plate on Sunday mornings or by clicking here to give through Tithley (Chaplain Refugee Support Mobilizer).
* The Deacons we will now be doing two Special Offerings per month, Canada Food Grains Bank will run for the first two weeks, with Chaplain for Refugee Support Mobilizer Dena Nicolai for weeks 3&4. You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on tithley for the whole month of March! *