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Offering for weeks 1 & 2 of March:

Canadian Foodgrains Bank is rooted in the belief that humankind is created in the image of God and that it is God’s desire that no person should go hungry. It is estimated that up to 783 million people are facing hunger worldwide and do not enjoy “food security,” meaning they do not have regular access to enough nutritious food to live healthy and active lives.

Over 30 years ago, World Renew was one of five founding members of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  Today, this organization is comprised of 15 member organizations who are all committed to providing a Christian response to global hunger.  World Renew responds to the food needs of families around the world who have been impacted by conflict, disaster, and food insecurity. Together, World Renew and the Foodgrains Bank assist communities with today's recovery, while laying the groundwork for tomorrow's security through vital agriculture and nutrition programs.

Through the Government of Canada’s support, the Foodgrains Bank can leverage donations from individuals, churches, and businesses up to a ratio of 4:1 for food assistance in the developing world—up to $25 million each year!

You are invited to donate to this worthy cause by the offering plate or click here to give through Tithley (Canada Food Grains Bank)

* The Deacons we will now be doing two Special Offerings per month, Canada Food Grains Bank will run for the first two weeks, with Chaplain for Refugee Support Mobilizer Dena Nicolai for weeks 3&4.  You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on tithley for the whole month of March! *