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Offering for weeks 3 & 4 of January:

GCM: Great Commission Media Ministries believes in sending the Gospel to unreached millions worldwide. Many people are unaware that less than 2% of missionaries visit unreached regions of the world. That means, there are approximately 2 billion people across the globe who have little to no chance of hearing the Good News of the Gospel. Most groups of unreached people live in closed countries located in the Middle East, Asia and North Africa. Our approach is to use the power of Christian media through daily satellite TV broadcasting, Arabic websites, and YouTube channels to impact these unreached countries. Our teams produce thousands of mother-tongue broadcasts for every age group — each delivered in languages such as Arabic, Farsi, Amharic and more. 18 satellites air Christian programs to millions of people throughout the Middle East. Each broadcast is done in partnership with local churches and underground missionaries. But when you partner with our ministry, you can help hundreds of thousands know and experience new hope, meaning and purpose. 

You are invited to donate to this worthy cause via the offering box or click here to give through the Tithley website. (Great Commission Media Ministries)

* The Deacons do two Special Offerings per month, the Guatemala Mission Trip will run for the first two weeks, with Great Commission Media Ministries for weeks 3&4. You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on for the whole month of January! *