Jesus once said, "Let the children come to me and do not stop them because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Mark 10:14).  All children are welcome to our Nursery or Kid's program.   

Nursery - Ages 0 - 2
Nursery care is available on Sunday mornings during the worship service. Nursery care is an important part of our ministry with children and their parents. It is the start of a lifelong journey of learning about Jesus. The welcome and care we extend to infants and toddlers is the very first experience most of them will have, outside of their family relationships, with the love of God. Our goal is to provide quality care for your young children while you worship. The volunteer staff who look after the children provide loving and understanding care in our facility prepared specifically for young children. Infant and toddlers can be brought to the nursery before or during the service, as numbers allow. 

SONLiFE - Ages 3 - Grade 4

What is SONLiFE? SONLiFE takes place during our Sunday morning worship service. The ministry exists to nurture the faith of young children so that they can love and serve Jesus, every day of their life    

Who goes to SONLiFE? All children ages 3 - grade 4 are invited to attend SONLiFE.

When do the children go to SONLiFE? About 15 minutes after the start of the worship service the children are invited to leave the worship space to go to SONLiFE.

What happens during SONLiFE? During SONLiFE the children are connected with the story of God's love for them and the world. Following a time of large group worship, the children move into age-appropriate small groups to listen to a Bible story, participate in various response activities, pray together, and grow friendships with each other.  

What does the name SONLiFE mean? The 'Son'in SONLiFE refers to Jesus, God's son and the 'life' stands for living in faith every day. Children who participate in our SONLiFE children's program are connected in age-appropriate ways with the stories of God through worship, Bible storytelling, and small group activities. 

Sign in for SONLiFE at the welcome center in the church foyer. 

Both Nursery and SONLiFE take place on the second floor of our building.