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So many people these days listen to podcasts. It is a great way to redeem what might seem like wasted time during your daily commute or when you’re walking the dog each morning.

Podcasts are an audio-based entertainment medium. Think talk radio, but episodic, on demand, and you are in control.

Many people listen to podcasts by their favourite personalities, or podcasts on history, comedy, theology, entrepreneurship, or many people use podcasts to listen to preachers from all the over world when their weekly sermons are pushed onto podcast format shortly after their Sunday service.
Our church has done exactly that. Each week, when the Sunday sermon is posted to the church website in its audio form, they will automagically be available for download through the Apple Podcasts App, that many iOS users have access to, and through Stitcher, the main podcasting app for Android users.

You can subscribe to our channel on each of those platforms and when new sermons are uploaded they will automatically download onto your mobile device for you to listen at your leisure.

Here are the links to subscribe:

We hope to see many downloads of the sermons. Please rate and review the podcast through the apps as well, this helps with the searchability of the podcast when folks are looking for it.

And don’t forget, we also have a youtube channel that gets used sporadically. You can subscribe to that as well and watch any videos that we produce.