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Today was an exciting day. I was looking forward to it all week because it was a free day at Stanley Park. On the way there, we drove through East Hastings and it was shocking how many people were sleeping on the street there. Then Curtis went the wrong way going to Second beach and we ended up going way off track and we had to turn around. When we finally made it through all of Vancouver’s clogged streets, we enjoyed a relaxing day at Stanley Park.

We rented four bikes that people could take for a spin throughout the day. They only got crashed once when someone crashed headlong into a tree while videoing herself. I played card games for a good part of the day including UNO and Dutch Blitz. We packed our lunch at the church and it included egg salad and yogurt. There was also Smarties, but I have no idea where they came from.
It was an awesome day of rest, and I’m looking forward to the worksites in the next few days.

-Justin S.