We didn't have time to sit down last night and write a blog post. The humans (students) were busy running around the chruch grounds trying not to get captured by the aliens (leaders).
Yesterday was a good day. It was day 2 of worksites and the students are working very hard to complete projects and be good neoghbors to our ministry partners and to one another. The 3 churches are starting to gel more and more and good friendships are being made.
So far, it has been an awesome week. We are very graetfule for no injuries, no sunburns, and no heatstroke. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for reading these blogs. The students enjoy being able to share about what is happening.
Today is our day away! We are headed to Hatley Castle for some devotions, and then to Mystic Beach for the authentic West Coast Experience! We are all pretty excited!
-- Pastor Curtis