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Offering for weeks 1 & 2 of March:

Canadian Foodgrains Bank: Canada Foodgrains Bank is rooted in the belief that humankind is created in the image of God and that it is God’s desire that no person should go hungry. It is estimated that up to 783 million people are facing hunger worldwide and do not enjoy “food security,” meaning they do not have regular access to enough nutritious food to live healthy and active lives.

Over 30 years ago, World Renew was one of five founding members of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  Today, this organization is comprised of 15 member organizations who are all committed to providing a Christian response to global hunger.  Together, World Renew and the Foodgrains Bank assist communities with today's recovery, while laying the groundwork for tomorrow's security through vital agriculture and nutrition programs. Through the Government of Canada’s support, the Foodgrains Bank can leverage donations from individuals, churches, and businesses up to a ratio of 4:1 for food assistance in the developing world—up to $25 million each year! 

* The Deacons we will now be doing two Special Offerings per month, Canada Food Grains Bank will run for the first two weeks, with Chaplain for Refugee Support Mobilizer Dena Nicolai for weeks 3&4.  You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on tithley for the whole month of March! *

Youth: Join us on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm for faith, devotion and fun!!!  Youth is for children in grades 8-12 and they meet every Sunday evening here at Willoughby.

Here is the activities for the month of February:

  • March 2 - Bible Study
  • March 8 - Curling Outing 10am-12pm (no youth March 9)
  • March 16 - no youth (spring break)
  • March 23 - no youth (spring break)
  • March 30 - no youth (starting on Wednesdays in April)

Thanks, Christian & Joanna

Preteens: Join us on Thursday evenings for faith, activities, bible study, games and a whole lot of fun!!! Preteens is for children in grades 4-7 and they meet on the first and third Thursday's of every month at 6:30pm. 

Here is the upcoming schedule for end of February and March:

  • March 6 - Bible Study 
  • March 20 - no preteens (spring break) 

If you are interested in joining or want to know more about the program please contact Christian at

Monday's Bible Study: The bible study group meets on Mondays at 7:30pm in the prayer room! Come join us on Monday, March 3rd to read and reflect on Psalm 84, celebration and affirmation. All are welcome! Any questions, call or email Pat.

Join us for an Ash Wednesday Service, on March 5 @ 7:00pm to mark the beginning of the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday starts the time during Lent of deepening reflection and renewal and an opportunity to renew our commitment to Christ as we journey toward Easter. 

Come join the African Children’s Choir as they perform in our community during their Canadian Tour! The Choir will be performing at our church on Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 7:00 pm. Come and experience a performance that shows the beauty, dignity and potential of each African child! Admission will be free for all ages; a free-will offering will follow the Choir’s concert. We are looking for Volunteers for the Day of the event, if you would like to help out:  Click Here to Volunteer  

1Life On-line Mercy & Justice Webinars:  register at for Positive Care and Grace in Dementia (Mar 11 w/ Steve Berkenpas)

Blood Donor Clinic: This month we will be hosting our Blood Donor Clinic on Tuesday, March 11th starting at 1pm. If you are able, please join in saving lives together by donating blood.  Appointments are necessary and can be booked at

Blanket Exercise: On Sunday, March 16, from 4:30 – 6:00 pm, the Blanket Exercise will be held here at Willoughby Church. The Blanket Exercise walks participants through the history of relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.  Much of the content is written by Indigenous people and helps participants understand why reconciliation is needed and how to take steps toward reconciliation and new relationships. This in-person experience is free of charge and open to anyone 11 years of age (Grade 5) or older. Please register by clicking the link here. For more info contact Evelyn Bouwman or Liz Tolkamp. Please bring a large throw-type blanket for this exercise.

Lent Devotionals: During the season of Lent, we are offering a devotion from Union Gospel Missions to help you seek the Lord through prayer and scripture.  The copies of the devotional will be available in the church lobby after the service for the next few weeks.  

Coffee Break: Bible Study, fellowship and refreshments for women of all ages, With Story Hour and nursery care for children, ages 0-5. Every Tuesday morning at Langley Immanuel Church (21713-50 Avenue, Langley) Doors open at 9:15 a.m. We will be studying the Book of Mark by Pastor Tim Keller. For more info please contact Elsa at or Rose at

IGNITE Evangelism Workshop @ NWCRC, March 8, 2025 When was the last time you shared your faith? Join us and discover how and why we share our stories as part of the bigger story. On March 8, New West CRC will be hosting an IGNITE workshop by ShareWord Global. This free full-day event is a dynamic and interactive evangelism workshop with one goal: to mobilize believers to share the gospel and Scripture with the people around them in their day-to-day lives. It aims to ignite your joy and passion for the gospel and help build your confidence to share your faith with Scripture. You will be imparted with powerful yet simple skills and Scripture resources to support your evangelism and reach out to the local community together. Date & Time: March 8, 2025; 9am - 3pm (a light lunch will be provided) Location: New Westminster CRC (8255 13th Ave. Burnaby BC) For more information or to register, visit our website: or contact us at / (604) 521-0111.

CSS: Mark your Calendars!! Christian Stewardship Services (CSS) is now in the second half of their Winter Conversation Series. The upcoming evening Webinars are on March 11 (Best choice for Executor and POA) and March 27 (One receipt and online giving); Don’t miss them. You can find the RSVP links on our website at[https://] Events. CSS can assist you in the preparation of your Will, or help you with your regular or preparation of major gifts. These services are available to any CRC member without charge, or obligation. If you have decided in your heart to give, we can help!

Surrey/Abbotsford Area CRCNA Airlines - Board the “CRCNA Airlines”, where your flight attendants will lead you on a wild adventure following our ministry share dollars across the globe. We'll jet off to Cambodia, Uganda, traverse Canada and the USA, explore our Urban Indigenous Ministries, and so much more. You'll leave feeling inspired and empowered, knowing that your ministry share dollars are hard at work, making a significant impact on countless lives. Are you ready for a fun adventure? Join us for this epic Ministry Shares workshop and be part of something truly extraordinary! DATE: Saturday, April 5th, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: Fleetwood CRC, 9165 160 St., Surrey, BC, V4N 2X7 RSVP: or April 6th, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: New Life CRC, 35270 Delair Rd, Abbotsford, BC V3G 2E2 RSVP:

Dear Friends at Willoughby CRC: Thank you for joining God in all He’s doing through Resonate! All around the globe, God is working through your church’s support for your Christian Reformed missionaries, church planters, and ministry leaders. Together, we are taking part in the way God’s Spirit is moving! I hope you are continually encouraged by the good and fruitful work we are accomplishing together. Your church’s gifts and prayers help make it possible to carry the hope and redemption of Jesus to the ears of unreached people in over 40 countries around the world! Your community’s support is an important way you help make this ministry possible. We couldn’t do it without you! Thank you for using your gifts to partner with Resonate. I hope that you find warmth in knowing that by sending others to share the Good News of Jesus, your church is helping change the lives of individuals and communities for generations to come! Thank you!

In Christ, Kevin DeRaaf, Director, Resonate Global Mission

1Life March Newsletter: 1Life exists to curate a curriculum of resources that equips individuals and congregations to become increasingly whole-hearted, vibrant communities of Christian worship, discipline & mission. Click here for the March newsletter.

Do Justice - Justice Prayers: Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church, from the Office of Social Justice. Justice Prayers is a weekly post addressing justice issues from around the world.  Click here to pray and read more!


Diversity and Unity: Concert Held at Ceremonial Garden Indigenous Christian Fellowship hosted a summer 2024 concert to celebrate the garden and its role in fostering community.

The Banner: Overcoming False Witness With True Witness Obeying the ninth commandment in Christlike ways can help us follow the path of overcoming evil with good.

The Network: Meet Ben, Your Pastor Wellbeing Consultant Learn about Ben Van Arragon’s work supporting our denomination’s pastors.

Groundwork: The Jerusalem Council: The Church Resolves Division and Seeks Unity - As the church grew, it experienced confusion and disagreement while welcoming new Gentile believers. Join Groundwork as we explore Acts 15:1-38 to learn from the early church about resolving division and seeking unity by gathering, listening, and relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to resolve their division and seek unity. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - “Dust you are and to dust you will return” (Genesis 3:19, NIV). This week marks the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday. While it might seem morbid to focus intentionally on our mortality, we can use this time to remember our humanity. We live with bodies and minds that not only are fearfully and wonderfully made but will also age and begin to fail us. Give thanks to God for the gift of your body, and ask him to help you be mindful of its limits. Brought to you by Thrive:


Job Opportunity - Diaconal Ministries Canada equips and supports CRC deacons in their role within your church, the broader community, and beyond. We are currently accepting applications for the full-time position of NATIONAL DIRECTOR. Start date would be Fall 2025. Visit our website for more information and full job descriptions: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview.

The Banner: The January/February edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner. To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider donating.

Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.

Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email 

Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at