Special Offering for weeks 3 & 4 of January: GCM: Great Commission Media Ministries believes in sending the Gospel to unreached millions worldwide. Many people are unaware that less than 2% of missionaries visit unreached regions of the world. That means, there are approximately 2 billion people across the globe who have little to no chance of hearing the Good News of the Gospel. Most groups of unreached people live in closed countries located in the Middle East, Asia and North Africa. Our approach is to use the power of Christian media through daily satellite TV broadcasting, Arabic websites, and YouTube channels to impact these unreached countries. Our teams produce thousands of mother-tongue broadcasts for every age group — each delivered in languages such as Arabic, Farsi, Amharic and more. 18 satellites air Christian programs to millions of people throughout the Middle East. Each broadcast is done in partnership with local churches and underground missionaries. But when you partner with our ministry, you can help hundreds of thousands know and experience new hope, meaning and purpose.
You are invited to donate to this worthy cause via the offering box or click here to give through the Tithley website. (Great Commission Media Ministries)
* The Deacons do two Special Offerings per month, the Guatemala Mission Trip will run for the first two weeks, with Great Commission Media Ministries for weeks 3&4. You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on tithe.ly for the whole month of January! *
Youth: Join us on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm for faith, devotion and fun!!! Youth is for children in grades 8-12 and they meet every Sunday evening here at Willoughby.
Here are the activities for the rest of January:
Thanks, Christian & Joanna
Preteens: Join us on Thursday evenings for faith, activities, bible study, games and a whole lot of fun!!! Preteens is for children in grades 4-7 and they meet on the first and third Thursday's of every month at 6:30pm.
Here is the schedule for the rest of January:
If you are interested in joining or want to know more about the program please contact Christian at Christian@willoughbychurch.com.
Tuesday's Bible Study: We will be returning on Tuesday, January 21st, we will be meeting at 2:00pm in the prayer room to read and reflect on Psalm 1. All are welcome to join!!! Any questions, call or email Pat Storteboom.
Seniors: We will be meeting on Thursday January 30th at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Come join us for fellowship, refreshments and some shared activities. Anyone welcome! Hope to see you all there!!!!
Save the Date: Women’s Connect - Saturday, February 8, from 10am - 12:00pm. Join us for a fun Saturday morning of socializing and refreshments. We are going to be doing Pass The Painting Game. All supplies will be provided. And no…great artistic skills are not required! It’s all in fun! Invite a friend! Sign up sheet is in the foyer. For more info contact Marlene or Kim.
Coffee Break: Bible Study, fellowship and refreshments for women of all ages, With Story Hour and nursery care for children, ages 0-5. Every Tuesday morning at Langley Immanuel Church (21713-50 Avenue, Langley) Doors open at 9:15 a.m. Coffee Break and Story Hour will resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 We will begin a new study on the Book of Mark by Pastor Tim Keller. For more info please contact Elsa at CoffeeBreak@licrc.ca or Rose at coffeebreak@willoughbychurch.com.
Christian Stewardship Services: Is there a charity close to your heart that you would love to see thrive for years to come? Christian Stewardship Services is hosting open Q&A sessions every week this winter to answer all of your questions on charitable giving and estate planning, Explore the topics and register on our website at : https://csservices.ca/winter-conversations-2025/ Each session will have a 10 minute introduction, then an interactive Q&A on any charitable giving and estate planning questions. The first four topics are: Multiplying your Gift, Pets, Life Insurance, adding a Charity Child, and Cryptocurrency. These are conversations you do not want to miss!
Telecare Crisis & Caring Line: Be the Lifeline Someone Needs - At Telecare Crisis and Caring Line, we are
expanding our phone support and introducing chat support to connect with the younger generation. We need your help. In recent times, the rates of social anxiety and depression among young people have significantly
increased. Therefore, we are actively looking for dedicated volunteers like you who can lend an ear
and provide support to struggling teens and young adults. Training will commence on January 22nd at 7 p.m. through a video conference. To gather more information, please visit our website: Volunteer
with Telecare. Cost: $100 (includes materials and mentoring) - Click here to Register
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday - January 19 - Thrive has developed materials to observe this special Sunday in a way that affirms the value of every human life--and at all stages of development. Learn more and discover other resources now at this website: crcna.org/life
Calvin University: Online Course - The online course "Cultural Values in Ministry" equips leaders of all types of ministries with practical tools for relating well to people from a variety of cultures. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to a healthy ministry. Held online February 3-March 9, 2025. Register at worship.calvin.edu/events/2025/cultural-values-ministry
Mercy & Justice Webinars - February - Gain Christian spiritual insight and practical understanding on timely and complex issues to do with the church's calling to practice mercy and justice. Feb 4: Changing Immigration Law & Refugee Support w/ Dena Nicolai; Feb 11: Disability without Poverty, w/ Rachel Vroege and Amanda Lockitch; Feb. 18: Positive Care & Grace in Dementia, w/ Steve Berkenpas; Feb 25: Reflecting on MAID, w/ Caroline Short. For more info or to register, go to crc1life.ca/2024/12/spotlight-on-mercy-justice-an-online-webinar-series/
Next Week! Stories & Strategies: Strengthening the CRC in Canada - Are you interested in learning more about ministry happening in CRC churches? Join the Canadian Ministry Board for stories, and best practice learnings from those experiences, and how they might be applicable to your local church context. We look forward to discussing these ideas with you alongside other church members and leaders. Join us virtually on January 25, 2025 (11am-1pm ET / 8-10am PT). Learn more and register at crcna.org/Canada
Annual Inter-Classis Safe Church Conference - Save the date! The 2025 annual inter-classis safe church conference is scheduled for March 1, 2025, from 9:00am-3:30 pm at the Waterloo (Ontario) CRC. Planning is ongoing, but we have confirmed that Sheila Wray Gregoire will be the plenary speaker. Dr. Amanda Benckhuysen and Julia Rathbun, both Safe Church Consultants with the CRCNA, will be leading workshops. The conference is hosted by the Classis Huron Safe Church Team under the coordination of Rev. Carel Geleynse. Further details will be available soon.
World Renew Honduras Discovery Tour - Begin the year by embarking on an unforgettable journey from March 15-20, 2025! Join us to see firsthand the incredible impact of World Renew's work in Honduras. This exciting tour offers a unique opportunity to explore World Renew's integrated agriculture projects in the beautiful, mountainous region of La Campa. For more information and to register, visit bit.ly/2025honduras
1Life January Newsletter: 1Life exists to curate a curriculum of resources that equips individuals and congregations to become increasingly whole-hearted, vibrant communities of Christian worship, discipline & mission. Click here for the January newsletter.
Do Justice - Justice Prayers: Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church, from the Office of Social Justice. Justice Prayers is a weekly post addressing justice issues from around the world. Click here to pray and read more!
Disaster Response: Responding to California Fires World Renew is organizing a response to multiple wildfires sweeping across Southern California.
Video Story: One Church, Two Languages A church in Delta, B.C., offers services in two languages to meet the needs of Chinese- and English-speaking members.
The Banner: What Is Counterculture Now? It's tempting to follow trends in in hopes of winning youth to Jesus, but this approach might lead to unintended consequences.
Groundwork: When Jesus Prays - Listening to a person pray gives us a glimpse into their heart. Join our Groundwork conversation as we study John 17:1-5, the opening verses of Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. Together we’ll discuss the meaning of Jesus’ words as he asks God to glorify him and the implications of his prayer in our own lives. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
The Banner: The December edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner. To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider donating. www.theBanner.org/Donate
Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.
Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email info@willoughbychurch.com
Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at council@willoughbychurch.com