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Offering for weeks 3 & 4 of October:

The special offering for weeks 3&4 is for the two missionaries we support through Resonate Global Missions. Resonate serves over 40 countries to faithfully proclaim and live out the good news of Jesus around the world. They join with a diverse network of CRCNA congregations and other partners locally and globally. Resonate works to mobilize individuals and communities to participate in God’s mission and work for the spiritual and social transformation of the world.

Our congregation sponsors Naji in Egypt (Click here to read their newsletter!) and Hannah in Greece (Click here to learn more about Hannah). Naji and Hannah need our prayers, care, and support, so please give generously.

* The Deacons do two Special Offerings per month, the Langley Food Bank will run for the first two weeks, with Resonate - Naji & Hannah for weeks 3&4. You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on for the whole month of October! *

Youth - Join us this Sunday, October 27th at 6:30pm for a fun game night!!!!

Tuesday's Bible Study: This Tuesday, October 29 we will be meeting at 2:00pm in the prayer room to read and reflect on James 2:1-13. All are welcome to join!!! Any questions, call or email Pat Storteboom.

Seniors:  We invite all seniors to join us on Thursday October 31 at 10:00am, here at the church. We will focus on the Reformation day with some devotionals highlighting the lives of two Reformers, John Hus and John Calvin. All seniors are very much welcome to join us! Hope to see you all there!!!!

Guess Who's Coming to Lunch: We are doing another mystery lunch here at Willoughby on Sunday, November 3rd!! If you are intersted in hosting or being a guest sign up, by filling out a card after the service in the lobby!!  They will be available on October 13 & 20 to pick up and hand in to Rose or Tamara by October 27, or email and include all of the following information in your email. Name, I would like to be a HOST or GUEST, the number of members in your family, email, dietary concerns, kid friendly house, if hosting the maximum # of people, and address (please include buzzcode if in a secure building)!  Guests bring dessert & hosts prepare lunch!!! 

You will recieve an email prior to November 3, on the address you will be having lunch at or how many you will be hosting!  Hope you all join in to build our community here at the Church and make new friends!! 

Welcoming Our Neighbour: Building Churches we can all call Home - We will be hosting a workshop on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00pm by Union Gospel Mission. This workshop aims to equip people to welcome others using a trauma-informed lens.  We will ground our approach in the Biblical narrative surrounding the orphan, widow and foreigner. We will consider how to best care for those requiring different approaches, including those struggling with homelessness, newcomers to Canada, along with people in active addiction, mental health and accessibility challenges.

Making a Home for Refugee Claimants: Join us on Saturday, November 2, at Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church in Surrey for an event focused on creating welcoming spaces for refugee claimants. Learn about their experiences, challenges, and how you can help make a difference. Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations striving to provide support and a sense of belonging to those in need. You can learn more at this Facebook link or register (for free) on this Eventbrite page. Questions? Contact Dena Nicolai at

You are all invited to attend the Community Christmas Craft & Bake Fair happening at Immanuel CRC (21713 50 Avenue Langley) on Saturday November 9, 2024. Bring your friends and family to stop on by between 10am-4pm. We have over 30 vendors coming, and we would love to see you there! 

M2W2: We have our annual fundraising dinner coming up on November 16th. Tickets are $50 per person or $375 per table. Doors open at 5 pm with dinner to be served at 6 pm. This will be a night you do not want to miss as we will hear stories of redemption from M2W2 clients, a chance to bid on some great silent auction items, a vintage market to shop at and hear from the musical talents of Arias. Click here to buy tickets!

Coffee Break: Bible Study, fellowship and refreshments for women of all ages, With Story Hour and nursery care for children, ages 0-5. Every Tuesday morning at Langley Immanuel Church (21713-50 Avenue, Langley) Doors open at 9:15 a.m. Need more info? Email Elsa at

Songs, Strings & Steps presents "Celebrate Christmas!" featuring Calvin Dyck, Festive Brass, Ken Lavigne (tenor) and the Abbotsford Youth Orchestra! Don't miss out on this annual community favourite happening Dec 6th & 7th in Abbotsford at Central Heights Church. Ticket link: If you have trouble with online ticket purchasing, please email

Missionary Update Call - Resonate Global Missions: Thank you for your prayers & financial support. We continue to see the Gospel transform lives. One of the best parts of my job is to pass along updates on the many ways the Lord uses your gifts. This is why I'm SO excited to invite you to a special, online opportunity called  Ministry Amplified on October 30th from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST. Ministry Amplified Registration Link You'll hear updates from, and be able to ask questions of, Resonate Executive Director - Kevin DeRaaf, missionaries serving in Nigeria (Sarah Aderemi), Phillipines (Charles Oh), South Africa (Tara Woodward), and Canada (Gary Timmerman). Sign-up is easy! Just click on the link above, and complete the registration form. 

Ministry to Seafarers: See an update from the ministry with their Fall Newsletter!!! & Christmas at Sea is fast approaching here in the Port of Vancouver, and the Ministry to Seafarers is once again preparing Christmas gifts for seafarers who come here at that time. Please send donations for this project either by cheque to Ministry to Seafarers, 401 E Waterfront Rd, Vancouver, BC V6A 4G9. Or you can donate online through our website, Either way, be sure to designate your gift for the Christmas at Sea fund. Thank you!

Paul’s Missionary Journeys in Turkey & the Seven Churches of Revelation (May 27 - June 8, 2025): Visit ancient sites connected with Paul’s First, Second, and Third Missionary Journeys as well as the seven churches to whom John wrote the Book of Revelation. Join Jeff Weima, professor at Calvin Theological Seminary and leading biblical scholar, for this inspirational biblical tour. Contact Dr. Weima at 616-328-3110 or

World Renew: Sharing Christ’s Hope Through the Gift of Knowledge - Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu’s oft quoted, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime," explains one crucial way World Renew shares Christ's hope with communities in food crisis. World Renew works to provide communities with the training and tools needed to help them sustainably produce enough food, so no one goes hungry. Next week is World Hunger Sunday and through our gifts we can help World Renew provide communities with the knowledge they need to become food secure. To learn more, go to:

Let’s Join the Fight to End Global Hunger! - In communities where World Renew works, extreme weather, conflict, and the lingering economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have left families grappling with hunger. We are providing emergency food helps, but World Renew understands that families need long-term solutions to food insecurity. In two weeks, let’s join the fight to end global hunger. Your gift can help World Renew provide communities with life-transforming training and resources so they can overcome hunger, not just today, but for generations. For more information, go to:

1Life October Newsletter: 1Life exists to curate a curriculum of resources that equips individuals and congregations to become increasingly whole-hearted, vibrant communities of Christian worship, discipline & mission. Click here for the October newsletter.

Do Justice - Justice Prayers: Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church, from the Office of Social Justice. Justice Prayers is a weekly post addressing justice issues from around the world.  Click here to pray and read more!


Servant Leadership: New Director of Ecclesiastical Governance Rev. Joel Vande Werken has been named by the Council of Delegates as the new director of ecclesiastical governance.

The Banner: In the Hands of the Maker It is no surprise that the Bible describes our Creator God as an artist and craftsman.

Global Mission: Report on Church Growth through Evangelism Twenty percent of CRC congregations reported growth through evangelism in 2023. What can we learn from them?

Groundwork: How to Live as Christians - In closing his first letter to the early Christians, Peter offers some final advice that remains valuable for us today. Join Groundwork as we study 1 Peter 4-5 to hear Peter’s instructions for acting with love and humility, his assurance that God indeed cares, and his encouragement to stand firm in our faith because we are not alone and God makes us strong. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Today is Reformation Sunday, when churches in a variety of Reformed denominations celebrate the work of Martin Luther and others who influenced generations of Reformed churches like those in the CRCNA. The “five solas” provide a helpful summary of Reformed faith teaching: solo Christus (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola scriptura (Scripture alone), and soli deo gloria (glory to God alone). Spend time reflecting on these solas this week, thinking individually or discussing as a family how important these are in your relationship with Christ. Brought to you by Thrive:

Job Posting:

Part-Time Youth Director Position: Nelson Ave Community Church (Burnaby, B.C, invites applications for a part-time (20 hours per week) Youth Director. The Youth Director is responsible to lead and cast vision for the youth ministry (grades 6-12), with is in tune with the church’s vision: “Love God, Love Others, Do Justice." We are looking for a mature Christian believer who possesses a passion/vision to disciple youth. Job description and compensation are available from the church office. Application deadline: November 15, 2024 . If interested, please send resume, cover letter and references to church office:

Job Opening: Abuse Prevention and Response Coordinator (APRC) Classis BCSE & BCNW Safe Church Team Ministry (SCT) supports the important ministry work done by the Christian Reformed churches in BC.  The SCT is in the process of succession planning and is looking for someone to succeed our current Abuse Prevention and Response Coordinator who is looking ahead to retirement. This position would require on average approximately 20 hrs per week, with certain months having increased hours.  The work includes providing abuse prevention and response education and requires travel to the Christian Reformed churches in BC.  Applicants must be knowledgeable about the subject of abuse, have related work experience & education.  Start date is flexible & training for the position will be provided.  For more information/ job description, please see this job posting, and email the SCT executive chairperson – Andrew Van der Leek -

The Banner: The October edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner. To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider donating.

Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.

Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email 

Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at