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Offering for weeks 3 & 4 of August: The special offering for weeks 3&4 is for the two missionaries we support through Resonate Global Missions. Resonate serves over 40 countries to faithfully proclaim and live out the good news of Jesus around the world. They join with a diverse network of CRCNA congregations and other partners locally and globally. Resonate works to mobilize individuals and communities to participate in God’s mission and work for the spiritual and social transformation of the world.

Our congregation sponsors Naji in Egypt (Click here to read their newsletter!) and Hannah in Greece (Click here to learn more about Hannah). Naji and Hannah need our prayers, care, and support, so please give generously.

You are invited to donate through the offering plate or click here to give through Tithley (Resonate - Naji & Hannah)

* The Deacons now do two Special Offerings per month, the Regent College will run for the first two weeks, with Resonate - Umran's & Vandekamp for weeks 3&4.  You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on for the whole month of August! *

Urgent need:  Ohans Bozikian, an Armenian Christian refugee from Syria who was sponsored by Willoughby Church last year, along with his daughter Natalie, are looking for a two-bedroom apartment by August 30.  Please get in touch with Natalie at if you can help. 

Giving Thanks: Dear congregation, We are deeply grateful for the many ways in which you as a community have supported and carried us through the past year of Dennis's illness and dying. Your gifts of prayers, presence, vists, food, cards, and words of love and kindness have sustained us. Even as our loss and sorrow are great, we give thanks and live with gratitude. We are Held and Upheld.  Jenny deGroot and family   

Potluck Lunch: International Dishes - Sunday, August 18, 2024 - We will be getting together as a church and community for a potluck lunch on Sunday, August 18th after the church service.  With our guests from Resonate Missions the Umran's here this Sunday,  the theme for our potluck is  "International Dishes". Please bring your favorite International Dish to share!!!  There is a sign up sheet below for the dish you will be bringing! Dessert, coffee & juice will be provided by the Church. See you all there!

Family Fun Event!!: We are hosting a family fun event on Saturday, August 24th on the front lawn of the church.  You are invited to bring your kids, grandkids, friends, and neighbours. The event will be drop-in style from 9:30am to 11:30am with many fun activities and snacks to enjoy.  There will be: Popcorn, Juice boxes, A bouncy castle, Face painting, Music, Crafts, Ring toss, Chalk...and more!

Make sure to put this event on your calendars, invite your friends, family, and neighbours, and join us for the fun!! 

Blood Donor Clinic: This month we will be hosting a Blood Donor Clinic on Tuesday, August 27th starting at 1pm. If you are able, please join in saving lives together by donating blood.  Appointments are necessary and can be booked at

SAVE THE DATE - Women's Connect Social:  On Saturday, September 14th at 10:00am!! Come and join us for a morning of fun, more details to come!! Hope to see you all there!!!

Thriving Essentials Overview - Online August 22 - Thriving Essentials is a training course for elders, deacons, church staff, and any volunteer ministry leader. This one-hour webinar will give you an overview of what the full course involves including discussions on four key concepts of Mission, Discipleship, Discernment, and Leadership. Sign up to attend this preview on August 22 (3PM EDT) and discern if the full course is right for your church:

Garden Sharing Table: Summer 2024 - This is the time of year when home vegetable gardens areproducing vegetables ready for picking. Many of us tend to gardens that produce more than we can eat ourselves. If you have extras, you are invited to bring them on Sundays to our Garden Sharing Table located in the front hallway of the church. We will continue the sharing table through the summer months.

WCRC Library: Did you know Willoughby Church has a library? Find the 'Willoughby Faith Formation Library' through the offices or look online on our website! Whether you are looking for a devotional or a book on reflection, there are books available for all ages. This resource is open during office hours and after the Sunday service. For inquiries, email Natalie at

Henri Nouwen Society: Spend time every day being encouraged to grow spiritually.  Sign up today to receive free daily meditation emails from the Henri Nouwen Society:

The Coffee Break ministry would like to make note of the Summer Park Schedule. Every Tuesday at 9:30 am we meet in parks around Langley! You are welcome to invite a friend and join those who meet each week. The upcoming Dates and Parks are below! Check with Denise for more info/questions at 778-386-4944

  • August 20 Nicholas Park (playground, splash park, sport court) 5055 209A Street, Langley
  • August 27 Williams Park (playground, trails) 238 Street & 68 Avenue, Langley
  • September 3 Murrayville/WC Blair Playground (playground, splash park) 22200 Fraser Hwy, Langley
  • September 10 Brydon Park (playground) 198 Street & 53 Avenue, Langley

A Rocha: Pressed Flower Workshop - Saturday, August 17 10am - 12pm - There are still spots left in our Pressed Flower Workshop led by Catherine Ruth Moyer - don't miss your chance to create a beautiful botanical keepsake! Save a Spot

Paul’s Missionary Journeys in Greece (March 28 - April 8, 2025): Travel by motor coach (7 days) and cruise ship (3 days) to sites connected with Paul’s second and third missionary journeys, as well as visit other major sites of biblical, archaeological, and cultural interest. Jeff Weima, professor at Calvin Theological Seminary and leading Pauline scholar, hosts this inspirational tour. For more information, contact DrWeima at 616-328-3110 or  

Deacon Training Available - Being a deacon is an exciting opportunity to lead church members to share Christ’s love and mercy with those both inside and outside of their church walls. Since 2001, Diaconal Ministries Canada has provided relevant and practical training and resources to deacons to support them in their role. Through the generous support of Canadian CRC churches, Diaconal Ministries offers a national network of Diaconal Coaches and regional staff, as well as our NewGround Program (formerly Operation Manna) which helps churches love their communities. Visit our website and contact us today - We are here to help!

We're excited to invite you to "Listen Up!" workshop, an event that Telecare Crisis & Caring Line has proudly offered for over seven years. Join us on September 28, 2024, for an engaging morning dedicated to the skill of active empathetic listening. Time: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, Location: Columbia Bible College, Abbotsford (Clearwood Room, Student Centre), Cost: $25 (includes continental breakfast and materials). Join us and elevate your impact in your community and the lives of those you help. Click here to register!!!

Join Telecare's Mission of Hope and Healing:

Are you looking for a meaningful way to give back? Become a call responder for our Christian crisis line and make a lasting impact on lives in need. At Telecare Crisis & Caring Line, we provide compassionate and supportive listening to people facing difficult times. As a volunteer, you'll offer hope, comfort, and concern to callers, all from the convenience of your home.

Why Volunteer with Us?

  • Purposeful Service:Use your wisdom and experience to encourage those in crisis.
  • Comprehensive Training:Receive thorough training and ongoing support to ensure you feel confident and prepared.
  • Flexible Hours:Choose shifts that fit your schedule and lifestyle.
  • Faith-Based Community:Connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and commitment to serving others.

Join us in being light in someone’s dark hour. For more information or to sign up, visit Together, we can make a difference.

August is National Make-A-Will Month - You don't have to be wealthy to establish an estate plan. If you own a house, have any investments or special collections, you should have a plan. August is National “Make A Will” Month and a great annual reminder to set up a trust or gift a charity in your will. The CRC has resources to help. Learn more by visiting the CRC Heritage website at

1Life August Newsletter: 1Life exists to curate a curriculum of resources that equips individuals and congregations to become increasingly whole-hearted, vibrant communities of Christian worship, discipline & mission. Click here for the August newsletter.

Do Justice - Justice Prayers: Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church, from the Office of Social Justice. Justice Prayers is a weekly post addressing justice issues from around the world.  Click here to pray and read more!


Synod 2024: Acts of Synod 2024 The Acts of Synod 2024, outlining all of the decisions of the CRCNA’s latest denomination-wide assembly, is now available online.

Disaster Response: Church Partners Reignite Hope Following a catastrophic flood in B.C. in November 2021, churches in the area worked together to serve their community.

The Network: Generation Spark 2024: Info Webinar Learn more about Generation Spark, an intergenerational mentorship program.

Groundwork: God Makes All Things New - The fourth major theme of the Bible is that of consummation, the time when God will complete his redemptive plan and make all creation new. Join Groundwork as we study Revelation 21:1-5, Matthew 19:28, Romans 8:18-21, and Ephesians 2:19-22 to see a future where God’s presence eradicates suffering and evil, and brings justice and eternal joy and to discuss what it means for us now. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Job Posting:

Open Position, Classis BCSE: At the end of October BC South-East will need a new stated clerk. The current clerk will complete his second term at that time and will not continue in the role. The position involves preparation of agendas for classis and the Classis Ministry Committee, taking minutes at the meetings, record keeping, as well as communications with churches and denominational offices in Burlington and Grand Rapids. You'll be working with gifted and interesting people who love the Lord and serve him in our BCSE region and the denomination. If you have an interest, feel free to contact the current clerk Len Batterink ( for more information. If needed, a transitional training period is available.

Job Opening - Director of Ecclesiastical Governance - As a member of the Office of General Secretary, the Director of Ecclesiastical Governance shall serve, support, and equip the governance of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA). The Director shall serve as the synodical and Council of Delegates (COD) meeting officer and be the liaison between the Office of General Secretary and classes in Canada and the U.S. The Director shall serve as the Church Order and Synodical Rules of Procedure subject matter expert, strengthen the capacity of synodical delegates and COD members, equip its leadership, and promote best governance practices and continuous improvement. This position offers a flexible work schedule, an attractive benefits package (including retirement fund contribution), and four weeks of vacation. Learn more and apply at

Job Opening - Information Technology Director - The CRCNA is hiring an Information Technology Director. The IT Director is responsible for establishing and executing the IT strategy, ensuring its integration with the mission strategy of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC), enabling the CRC to extend the reach of its mission. The IT Director participates in and contributes to the overall organization’s operating model by bringing current knowledge and future vision of leveraging information and technology in service of the organization’s mission. Apply now at

The Banner: The July/August edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner. To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider donating.

Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.

Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email 

Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at