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Offering for weeks 1 & 2 of July:

The special offering for the first and second week of July is for the Willoughby Church Refugee Sponsorship Fund.  Willoughby Church has successfully helped to settle 13 families over the past 12 years. We are looking forward to welcoming two new families and two single men in the next few years. For the first week, we will hear from our Refugee Sponsorship Team presenting information about the sponsored individuals and families. As always, we are grateful for the generous support Willoughby Church has provided for refugees who are seeking a new, safe home country and pray for continued generosity.  You are invited to donate through the offering plate or click here to give through Tithley (Willoughby Church Refugee Fund)

* The Deacons now do two Special Offerings per month, the Refugee Sponsorship Fund will run for the first two weeks, with Redeemer University for weeks 3&4.  You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on for the whole month of July! *

Potluck Lunch: We will be getting together as a church and community for a potluck lunch on Sunday, July 21st after the church service. The theme for our first potluck of the Summer is  "Appies & Salad". Please bring an appetizer, either hot or cold, or salad to share!!! Dessert, coffee & juice will be provided by the Church. See you all there! Any questions, please reach out to Tamara at

Urgent Need: A fire at the Kinsman Gardens in Langley has left 4 families homeless and with all their belongings destroyed. They urgently need housing, clothing, and furnishings, but primarily they need housing. Does anyone have either temporary or permanent housing to assist these people. Anyone who can help please call Eleanor at 778-298-7770 or Ghazala at Langley Community Services at 778-726-0550.

Pastors Away: Please note that Pastor Martin (and Sue) will be away in Nova Scotia from June 27 – September 21, and Pastor Jenna and her family are away June 30 – July 25.  If any immediate needs or pastoral concerns arise, please contact your pastoral elder or Tamara at the church office.

Garden Sharing Table: Summer 2024 - This is the time of year when home vegetable gardens are beginning to produce vegetables ready for picking. Many of us tend to gardens that produce more than we can eat ourselves. If you have extras, you are invited to bring them on Sundays to our Garden Sharing Table located in the front hallway of the church. We will continue the sharing table through the summer months.

We Need You: Re: Activate Volunteer Sign Up 2024 - This year Re: Activate will be hosted by Langley Immanuel CRC from Friday, September 6 to Sunday, September 8, 2024. This event takes a lot of hands to make it happen and if you are interested in volunteering, please click here to sign up!  Thanks!

WCRC Library: Did you know Willoughby Church has a library? Find the 'Willoughby Faith Formation Library' through the offices or look online on our website! Whether you are looking for a devotional or a book on reflection, there are books available for all ages. This resource is open during office hours and after the Sunday service. For inquiries, email Natalie at

Henri Nouwen Society: Spend time every day being encouraged to grow spiritually.  Sign up today to receive free daily meditation emails from the Henri Nouwen Society:

Start your crafting!!: On Saturday, November 9, from 10 am-4 pm Immanuel CRC will host a Christmas Craft and Bake Fair. We invite all crafters to reserve a spot. The cost is $50 for one 8x6 area. For information, please contact Miriam deWinter at

The Coffee Break ministry would like to make note of the Summer Park Schedule. Every Tuesday at 9:30 am we meet in parks around Langley! You are welcome to invite a friend and join those who meet each week. The upcoming Dates and Parks are below! Check with Denise for more info/questions at 778-386-4944

  • July 2 James Hill Park (playground, sport court) 22144 Old Yale Rd, Langley
  • July 9 Nicholas Park (playground, splash park, sport court) 5055 209A Street, Langley 
  • July 16 Al Anderson/Dinosaur Park (playground, splash park) 4949 207 Street, Langley 
  • July 23 Penzer Action Park (playground, bike track) 4748 198C Street, Langley
  • July 30 Brookswood Park (playground, splash park) 4078 200 Street, Langley 

Regent Summer Programs 2024: You’re invited to Regent's 2024 Evening Public Lecture series! Join us in the chapel or tune in online to explore theology, culture, and much more with this year’s summer faculty. THE IDOLATRY OF IMPACT AND THE QUEST FOR DEEP CHANGE Wednesday, Jul 10, 2024 at 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (Pacific Time)  with Andy Crouch, you can attend this lecture in Regent’s chapel, or watch it live online at A video recording will be available for free online for a limited time after the event.

Hannah van der Kamp - Resonate: My dear friends, There was a wonderful gift waiting for me upon returning to the island of Lesvos. The student from Syria you met in my video, Khalid, was baptized in the Aegean Sea on Sunday morning after the church service!  He had connected with the rest of the team and had begun attending a bible study. He was amazed to receive a full bible in Arabic. He will soon leave the island as he has been granted asylum. Thanks be to God!

Come and See What God Is Doing! You are invited to Gather in Calgary on September 23-25, 2024

Join us for fellowship, and worship, and to celebrate the wonderful ways God is working in your community. Over the next twelve months, we’re bringing together five Christian Reformed classes at a time to strengthen our faith and mission by learning from each other. Classes Alberta South / Saskatchewan, British Columbia Southeast, Central California, Ko-Am, and North Cascades - we are thrilled to invite YOU to participate in our next event in beautiful Calgary, Alberta.

Sometimes what we see happening in our congregations can leave us feeling discouraged and isolated – but we’re not alone. Gather aims to come together, form new relationships, and recognize where God is already at work among us. We’ll talk about our challenges, but we will also seek God, share how we’re fostering disciples in our churches, and discern where God is leading us in our renewed mission.

We hope that you will leave this event feeling equally encouraged in your journey. Our goal is for everyone to encounter God through the text, prayer, worship, and fellowship; to name unmet expectations about their church; to tell and hear stories of God at work; to identify themes of how God is at work in CRC churches; to celebrate our common desire to follow Jesus together; and to leave prepared to share these stories with people in their congregations and communities. Check this link: for more information!! Interested in Attending? Those interested in attending a Gather event should indicate their interest to the stated clerk or other leadership of their classis. Each classis will be asked to select a delegation of 10 people. Travel costs, food, registration, and accommodation will be paid for by all participants through the generous support of Gather sponsors.

Make an Impact by Volunteering with World Renew - This fall, World Renew has volunteer openings for individual adults, couples, or church groups to help in areas impacted by disasters. These one-week trips include home repair and cleanup projects that give vulnerable homeowners a chance to rebuild their lives. No matter your skillset, lending your time and talents as a volunteer with World Renew will have lasting reach. Learn more and sign up at

Telecare Crisis & Caring Line seeks people with big hearts and great listening skills to join our volunteer team of call responders. We attempt to be the heart and compassion of Jesus to people struggling with diverse mental, relational, and spiritual issues.  Interested? Go to

“Are you feeling Stressed? Overwhelmed? Struggling in relationships?" We at Cascade Christian Counselling are here to offer you the support you are looking for. One of our nine Registered Clinical Counsellors are available to meet with you either in person or online. We have offices in Surrey and Abbotsford. For further information on our services please visit our website at: or call our office in Surrey @ 604-585-1411 or Abbotsford @ 604-854-5413.

1Life July Newsletter: 1Life exists to curate a curriculum of resources that equips individuals and congregations to become increasingly whole-hearted, vibrant communities of Christian worship, discipline & mission. Click here for the July newsletter.

Do Justice - Justice Prayers: Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church, from the Office of Social Justice. Justice Prayers is a weekly post addressing justice issues from around the world.  Click here to pray and read more!


The Network: Extraordinary Moments in Ordinary Days  Take a moment to see the particular ways God is at work in your life this summer.

The Banner: Church Grows Food Recovery Project After working with a local convention center to recover meals that otherwise might have gone to waste, a church is expanding its project.

Mercy & Justice: Canadian Intercultural Leader Leaves Pablo Kim Sun, has recently accepted a new position and will leave in July.

Groundwork: Adopt the Mindset of Christ - As Christians, many of us long to make the world a better place. Join our Groundwork conversation as we study Philippians 2:1-11, Matthew 22:15-45, 1 Peter 2:21-23, and Matthew 20:24-28 to study the servant mindset Jesus modeled. Together we’ll glean biblical wisdom for discerning the relationship between faith and power and we’ll discuss the importance of developing Christlikeness. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - The faith practice of remembering centers our attention on what God has done in our lives, deepening our assurance that God is with us here and now, and expanding our hope and anticipation for what God will yet do. Take some time this week to make a “faith timeline” to remember what God has done in your life and in the lives of people you love. Learn more at

Job Posting:

Director of Preteens & Youth Ministry: Willoughby Christian Reformed Church in Langley is seeking to hire a Director of Preteens & Youth Ministry for 25-30 hrs per week. 

Position available – The Director of Preteens & Youth Ministries at Willoughby Church is called to be an exemplar and spiritual leader who will help to inspire the WCRC young people to grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Director will focus on nurturing the faith of our preteens (grades 4-7) and youth (grades 8-12), seeking to support them in developing their love for Jesus and for others. S/he will seek to build relationships and ensure that the ministries are functioning optimally with an
intentionality towards discipleship. S/he will cast a vision for the ministries, be present in the
lives of the young people in their various contexts, and work to provide a place where young
people feel they can belong, connect, and grow in their discipleship with Jesus.

To apply please contact or (604) 530-5959 for more information.

A full job description for this position is available by clicking here.

The Banner: The May edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner. To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider donating.

Banner Writing Contest for Young Adults: Peacemaking - Cash prizes and winners published; enter by June 23. For details visit

Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.

Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email 

Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at