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Offering for weeks 3 & 4 of September:

The other special offering for September is for the Willoughby Church Benevolent Fund . The Benevolent Fund is used to support families in this congregation and in the Langley community with rent, utilities, food vouchers, Christmas hampers and Christian School tuition relief.  The recent inflation in Canada caused by global supply chain disruptions, an increase in demand for items that weren't available during the pandemic, and widespread droughts affecting agriculture output. Have seen a significant increase in food, rent and gas costs resulting in more requests for assistance.  Please consider giving generously to this church fund, to help support our community. 

You are invited to donate through the offering plate or click here to give through Tithley (Benevolence-Deacons-Willoughby Church)

* The Deacons now do two Special Offerings per month, ReFrame Ministries will run for the first two weeks, with Willoughby Church Benevolent Fund for weeks 3&4. You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on for the whole month of September! *