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Guess Who's Coming to Lunch: We are doing another mystery lunch here at Willoughby on Sunday, April 27th!! If you are intersted in hosting or being a guest sign up, by filling out a card after the service in the lobby!!  They will be available from March 30th to pick up and hand in to Rose or Tamara by April 20th, or email and include all of the information below in your email. Guests bring Dessert & Hosts prepare Lunch!!

  • Name: 
  • I would like to be a:          HOST              GUEST 
  • Guests:  There are  ____ adults & ____ kids  in my family or group
  • Email: 
  • Dietary Concerns: _______________   Kid Friendly House: _________
  • Hosts:   I would like to host a maximum of  ____  people
  • My address is:       
  • (please include buzzcode if in a secure building)

You will recieve an email prior to April 27th, on the address you will be having lunch at or how many you will be hosting!  Hope you all join in to build our community here at the Church and make new friends!!