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December Special Offering: The December special offering is for the World Renew - Gift Catalogue, to help people who live in extreme poverty experience more of the fullness of life God intends for them. We are striving to raise funds for three of World Renew’s best-seller bundles (p.17 in the gift catalog). One bundle, worth $3,878, contains goats and quackers, the herd, 10 bars of soap, the whole barnyard, a family-sized water filter, 1 bicycle, and “where needed most”. You are also invited to visit the Christmas Giving Tree in the church lobby and ‘buy’ an ornament(s). Each ornament is a unique gift that can make a difference for people in need around the world. Complete the information on the ornament card and mail it directly to World Renew. You can also browse or purchase the giving ornaments online with the World Renew Gift Catalogue.

Give the joy of Christmas with a gift for a person in need through World RenewYou are invited to donate to this worthy cause via the offering plate or click here to give through the Tithley website. (World Renew - Gift Catalogue)